Hay que hacer comunidades cristianas como la Sagrada Familia de Nazaret, que vivan en humildad, sencillez y alabanza. El otro es Cristo.
Catechumenate of the Early Church
In the early Church, in the midst of paganism, a person who wanted to become a Christian had to follow instruction in Christianity that was called the 'catechumenate' from the word 'catecheo' which means 'I resound' and 'I listen'. But we might ask: 'Listen to what?' Not just God speaking through the Scriptures: a catechumen is somebody who has learned to listen to God speaking throughout history. The Fathers say that what befits a Christian is not humility, obedience or even sanctity but discernment, without which neither humility nor obedience nor sanctity exists. Discerning what? The divine action in our history. Discerning the snares of the devil and the reason why certain things happen to us and what sense they have ... There lies the meaning, the renewal of the post-baptismal Neocatechumenate. Christ says to the Samaritan woman: 'Believe me, woman, the moment has come when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father ... The moment has come, and it is this, in which the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and ,truth. Because the Father seeks such worshipers.'
In a Christian initiation the catechumen discovers that we are the true temple and our life is a liturgy of holiness, the ritual of which is the Book of Psalms. But before everything the catechumenate of the early Church was shaped out of a synthesis between Word, Changed Life and Liturgy. What the early Church had was a kerygma, a proclamation of salvation. This proclaiming of the Gospels was done by itinerant apostles such as Paul and Silla and brought about a moral change in those who heard it. They changed their lives with the help of the Holy Spirit accompanying the apostles. This changed life was sealed and helped through the sacraments. Concretely, baptism was given in stages. The Neo-Catechumenal Way wants to bring back that 'gestation', that synthesis of Kerygma, Changed life and Liturgy.